New compile for VRay 1.5RC2
I am back from hospital and have recovered a little bit. I got the new SDK for VRay 1.5 RC2 and could compile without changes. I also switched to the SDK for 3dsmax 8 now. The betatesters already got mail with this compile. I also included the atmospheric plugin I used for the tests that I posted earlier.
And I included the scene for the following image:

I assembled the scene to test both plugins in a more complex scene setup.
If you want to betatest and you are not on my list, just drop me a mail.
Best Regards,
I am back from hospital and have recovered a little bit. I got the new SDK for VRay 1.5 RC2 and could compile without changes. I also switched to the SDK for 3dsmax 8 now. The betatesters already got mail with this compile. I also included the atmospheric plugin I used for the tests that I posted earlier.
And I included the scene for the following image:

I assembled the scene to test both plugins in a more complex scene setup.
If you want to betatest and you are not on my list, just drop me a mail.
Best Regards,
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